Food intolerance test

Food products and their tolerance.

Correction of food intake by VRT-BRT method.

Food intolerance is much more subtle than food allergy, because in case of food allergy, eating one product or another, you feel and see the allergic reaction ( skin itching, redness, swelling, eruption).

Is of course unpleasant but simple enough to exclude the products that cause a «furious» reaction.

Much more dangerous is the hidden food intolerance, slow reacting allergy, when the «insidious» food has no manifestations so well accentuated, but that causes a quite important damage to the organism. One aspect is that you like certain products and is quite different if these are dangerous or not for you.

You have eaten an «injurious»product for you and the organism reacts to it, as to a foreign object (for example, a virus) and consumes huge resources of vital energy for fighting «this enemy».

Then should not be better to direct the energy to other more important purposes?

An old English proverb says: One gram of prophylaxis is more important than one kilogram of therapy».

We all depend on tasty, but unuseful food.

The correct alimentation is not a panacea, but a serious factor influencing the life’s quality and longevity.

What you eat influences directly the quality of your blood, which acts on your nervous system, respectively on the thinking organ, the brain.

On the other side, your mind determines what you will eat, and what you will eat, will help you or will act negatively on your mind.

The most important thing is to decide who you are and who you want to be.

Your food and intellection are mutually determined.

Your food is your mirror.

On some chronic disease acts the long influence over the organism of certain factors that are conditioned by the food intake:

- sodium input in excess in arterial hypertension,

- food rich in calories in case of obesity

- calcium in osteomalacia

Many diseases may ameliorate or deteriorate under the influence of some components of food products and of an irrational diet.

The therapeutic nutrition, whose basis belongs to the people’s medicine, is used for many millennia.

Scientific researches allowed to be determined the essential position of the dietology, the intake may not only enforce the action of the organism’s protective forces in case of different diseases, but also  may produce a directly opposite action. In the light of these studies were formulated the notions of rational and therapeutic alimentation.

Rational alimentation is the scientifically grounded alimentation of the man, meaning the intake of food, correctly organised, observing all the hygiene rules.

Therapeutic alimentation is the rational alimentation of sick peoples, which is an independent therapeutic factor, on a par with the methods of the medicamentary or physiotherapeutic treatment.

The fundamental difference between therapeutic alimentation and the rational one consists of the necessity of exclusion or addition, depending on the disease’s type and stage, of certain products from the daily intake and the change of their preparing modality, of keeping the required combination of proteins, fat and carbohydrates.

in the majority of  clinic situations, in the therapy is necessary to modify the food intake.

For selecting the optimal food intake, is necessary to have a complete vision about the human health and about the intolerance of food products.

This is the successful subject matter of the vegetative resonance test  (VRT).

In the diagnostic research is determined the list of  optimal food products in case of one or another disease, taking into account the metabolic particularities of the processes of a certain patient.

Is determined by the possibility to correct the organism’s homeostasis, in the stabilization of the condition of its internal environment within much more favourable limits in a certain moment.

The information obtained at testing allow to conclude on the type of the most not respected exchange of substances, on the organ  or on the organ systems.

Are assessed the transformations from organs, by determining the positive or negative action over their metabolism of one or more food products.

In the correction process are considered not only the biochemical parameters, but also the patient’s psychological status and, also, his real possibilities, having in view his way of living, to use in his intake one or more food products.

Correction of food intake by VRT-BRT method allows successfully to be solved the following problems:

  • Acceleration of the elimination from organism of toxic factors and products from exchange of substances;
  • Pointing up of clinical symptoms of the basic diseases (eliminating from food intake the products that favours the occurrence of symptoms and the introduction of new products)
  • Restoration of the most affected constitutive elements from the metabolic exchange (inclusively restoration of destroyed enzyme systems)
  • Stabilization of the obtained restoration of the essential parameters of homeostasis.
  • Restoration of the hierarchy of organism’s functional systems and assurance of their complete interaction.
  • Selection of food products in food intolerance and allergy