Bioresonance therapy

The bioresonance therapy is the medicine of the 21st century and integrates the most current informational technologies, with best quality, that activates an enormous potential of the hidden vital reserves of the human organism. For this reason, is no wonder that hundreds of people, who did not find medical aid are extremely grateful for the miraculous healing of their diseases. The Bioresonance therapy (BRT) consists in the correction of the organism’s functions by acting on it with electromagnetic radiations, which have strictly defined parameters, from a determinate spectrum of the frequencies of magnetic oscillations. The idea of the bioresonance therapy using weak electromagnetic oscillations, inherent to the patient himself, was for the first time scientifically formulated and researched by  F. Morell (in 1977).

The living organism, in its whole and all its systems are sources of weak electromagnetic oscillations (physiological or harmonic) in a large spectrum of frequencies. The pathogenic agents (bacteria, fungi, viruses) have also their own frequencies. In case of taking sick, are formed new sources of electromagnetic oscillations — so-called «pathological» or «disharmonious» oscillations, disturbing the physiological balance in the organism.

The organism is taken sick, when is not able to maintain the balance between physiological and pathological oscillations.

In normal physiological state in the organism is maintained the relative synchronization of various oscillatory processes (of the waves). In case of the sickness develops, in the pathological states are notices disturbances of the oscillatory harmony.

This may be expressed in the disturbance of fundamental physiological processes, for example, due to the sudden predominance of excitation and inhibition mechanisms in central nervous system is produced the change of cortical-subcortical interactions.

The various overloads: emotional-nervous, psychological, hard physical work, ecological with various loads (toxic, geopathogenic and other types) aggravate this situation and contribute to the development of pathological processes that leads to a disturbance of the dynamic balance in the organism. The therapy with BRT equipment is based on the effect of the biological resonance and was called bioresonance therapy.

The bioresonance therapy is the therapy with electromagnetic oscillations, with which the organism’s structures enter in harmonic resonance.

The action of the bioresonance therapy is made at cellular level and also at the level of organ, organ systems and organism in aggregate.

When the frequency and the form of the treatment action (electromagnetic) is correctly chosen, is created the possibility to accelerate the normal oscillations (physiologic) and to weaken the pathological oscillations of the human organism. So, the bioresonance action may be oriented to neutralize the pathologic oscillations, and also to restore the physiological oscillations, disturbed in pathological states. In case of developing the action, the preference is given to the BRT variants, based on the selection of the frequency regime and of the form of the therapeutic signal by means of the inverse connection from patient or with the one at which the form of the therapeutic signal corresponds to the bioelectrical activities of various structures in the organism’s normal physiological state.

The biophysical informational processes in the organism, which are used while using the bioresonance therapy and the vegetative resonance test, are above the biochemical ones in the hierarchy concerning the directioning of the human organism, that allows to efficiently apply the adaptive bioresonance therapy acting upon the control units of the human adaptation system. The action is possible at cellular level and also at the level of the organ, organ systems and entire organism.

Is more efficient the therapy based on the selection of the frequency mode and of the form of the therapeutic signal by means of the inverse connection from patient or with the one at which the form of the therapeutic signal corresponds to the bioelectrical activities of various structures in the organism’s normal physiological state.

The signals received through electrode are processed by bioresonance equipment, which accentuates ad accelerates physiological oscillations and reduces the pathological ones.

Currently there are two essential types of therapy:

  • endogenous bioresonance therapy, this is the therapy with the human organism’s own oscillations;
  • exogenous bioresonance therapy, this is the therapy with external signals, with which some organs and systems of the human organism  are entering in resonance.